Chiropractic Services For Sale | Can’t Miss Report
Discover why chiropractic care, America’s leading alternative medicine, is thriving amid changing demographics and a rising interest in holistic health. Learn how this $15 billion industry continues to expand and adapt post-pandemic.

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“As the most established form of alternative medicine in the United States, the chiropractic services industry has been positively influenced by favorable demographic trends, healthcare reform, and a growing acceptance of alternatives to traditional medicine.”, Marketdata LLC.
Chiropractic Services Industry Summary & Definition
The U.S. chiropractic services market (chiropractor offices) is a $15 billion dollar “industry”. That is projected to grow 4.5% annually from 2021 to 2025. It consists of 39,613 offices of chiropractors, and 138,000 people are employed by the industry.
It is estimated that chiropractors treat more than 35 million Americans (adults and children) annually. As chiropractic care significantly addresses age-related problems such as balance problems and falls. Due to a rising U.S. geriatric population, demand for chiropractic care is expected to grow.
These practitioners provide diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of neuromusculoskeletal and related disorders. Through the manipulation and adjustment of the spinal column and extremities. And operate private or group practices in their own offices (e.g., centers, clinics) or in the facilities of others. Such as hospitals or HMO medical centers.”
Today, chiropractors are the third largest group of health care providers. After physicians and dentists, who treat patients directly.
As the most established form of alternative medicine in the united states, the chiropractic industry has been positively influenced
By favorable demographic trends, healthcare reform, and a growing acceptance of alternatives to traditional medicine.
According to the 2019 survey by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, the typical chiropractor’s office is located in an urban (34.8%) or suburban (28.1%) area. The vast majority of 82% of DCs worked in a chiropractic office.
Typical settings where chiropractic care is provided:
- Chiropractic Clinics
- Chiropractic Rehab Centers
- Chiropractic Wellness Centers
Chiropractic Services Industry Status
Many chiropractor’s offices closed temporarily or saw reduced patient volume. Amid social distancing, stay-at-home efforts and health concerns. However, these offices were designated as an essential service during the Covid-19 pandemic. And revenues estimated to have risen slightly despite the pandemic.
Rising interest in integrative or complementary healthcare has led to more acceptance of chiropractic treatment of the back, neck, limbs, and involved joints. As a result, chiropractors are increasingly working with other healthcare workers, such as physicians and physical therapists, through referrals and complementary care.
Chiropractic Services Industry Structure
The industry consists of 39,613 United States offices of chiropractors. The market is very competitive and there are no large operators. The 50 largest firms in the market only capture 3.5% of all revenues.
The average chiropractor’s office had annual revenues of $341,300 in 2017. In 2019, this figure is estimated to have risen to $380,300. Based on more current data from the County Business Patterns survey. Revenues per office grew at a 2.8% average annual pace from 2012 to 2017.
More than 75% of all chiropractor’s offices were classified legally as corporations in 2017. Followed by sole proprietorships with 19.9% and partnerships with 4.7%. Corporations captured 80.3% of industry receipts. While sole proprietors captured 13.4% and partnerships captured 6.3%.
The most common-sized chiropractors’ office in 2017 was one that generated receipts of $100,000 to $249,999 per year. This group captured 16.4% of sales. The next most common size were offices that generated $250,000 to $499,999 per year. This group captured 29% of sales. Offices with receipts of $500,000 to $1 million captured 27.1% of sales.
The states with the greatest number of chiropractors offices located there include:
- California 4,130
- Florida 2,699
- Texas 2,412
- New York 1,986
- Illinois 1,870
- Pennsylvania 1,757
- Group: 14,854
Chiropractic Services Industry Size & Growth
When the economy was good, prior to the Great Recession, receipts grew nearly 6% per year. However, in 2008 with the recession, receipts only inched up 1.2%.
During the last five years 2015 to 2020, the industry’s receipts have grown at a 4.0% annual pace. From 2010 to 2014, receipts grew at a 3.0% annual pace. From 2010 to 2020, the industry’s receipts grew at a 4.5% yearly pace.
Based on the ratio of payroll to sales (32.3% in 2017), Marketdata analysts estimate that receipts for chiropractors last year totaled $15.47 billion. Receipts were $15.06 billion in 2019, so this means that receipts actually grew by 2.7% during 2020.
Based on the ratio of payroll to sales (32.3%), Marketdata analysts estimate that receipts for chiropractors will reach $15.14 billion in 2021. This figure represents a 2.2% decline from 2020 revenues.
Marketdata analysts forecast the U.S. chiropractic market revenues to grow at the historical long-term average annual rate of about 4.5%.
Industry Franchises
There are some franchises in the chiropractic services industry. Some of them are:
- Chiropractic USA
- The Joint Chiropractic
You can see more information about The Joint Chiropractic franchise in Vetted Biz’s listings by clicking here.
The following information comes from the latest The Joint’s Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). Covering the typical gross revenues of their franchises.
“… The new FDD reports on the entirety of the franchise clinics that reported sales each month between January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (448 total). Excluding the months in which the clinic closed due to COVID-19. And The Joint couldn’t be prouder of the results. The average gross sales for all the franchise clinics in operation in 2020 was $488,771. The top quartile clinics average $777,608. The Joint’s franchise clinics saw 297 patients on a weekly basis-.
“…The average patient visits per week of all Operating Clinics was 297 with the median number of patients per week at 278. We break down those 448 Clinics by quartiles using the sales performance numbers from chart 19.1. Then the average patient visits per week for the fourth quartile was 164 with the median patient visits per week being 162. The average patient visits per week for the third quartile is 252 with the median patient visits per week at 226. The average patient visits per week for the second quartile is 319 with the median patient visits per week at 350. And the average patient visits per week for the first quartile 454 with the median number of patients per week at 407.“
Chiropractic Services Industry Forecast
Marketdata analysts made a profound analysis of the industry and produced a forecast for the following years on how the industry will recover (or not) from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Are you interested in this industry? Do you want to discover more and learn what analysts specialists anticipate for the following years? Then we, at Vetted Biz, recommend you order the exclusive 16-page commercial cleaning report (Report OV75) by Marketdata. You can purchase it by clicking here.