Vetted Biz’s insightful data, user friendly tools, and analytical content make it the #1 Franchisegrade alternative for people looking to make informed franchise decisions.
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Unbiased data showing you the true performance franchises and franchise systems
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Most important information and analysis is offline or hidden unless you pay
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Charge nearly $500 for a benchmark study
Drive your franchise decisions with precision. Vetted Biz offers unmatched data and insights to give you the competitive edge.
Franchise Consultant
See below examples of the types of data we have for each franchise profile:
I use Vetted Biz for a number of reasons. As a franchisor, I want to see how we're viewed and how our competition is performing. As a franchisee, I want to see how our Franchisor system is doing.
As someone that is always looking for opportunities and curious to learn more, it's the most comprehensive database and, perhaps even more importantly, the data is presented in an organized and easy to assimilate format.”
Co-Founder of Frenchies Franchise, Franchise Owner, and Podcast Host
Easily sort and filter franchises using our advanced filtering tool. Below are some of the fields you can sort by:
CEO, Senior Franchise Broker, Franchisee, Entrepreneur
Use the tools, content, videos, podcasts, and articles to help guide your clients to the right franchises. Share content directly from the platform or download and share.
Franchise Consultant